Magic The Gathering at Loading Stoke Newington
An FAQ to cover all things Loading & MtG
An FAQ to cover all things Loading & MtG
The first of our six pack video series, opening with perfect starter games for anyone looking to get started in the world of board games.
Look, we’ve all had a fun night playing Cards Against Humanity. Daring to go one step beyond common decency for the reward of a round of laughter from our friends. It’s a game that has brought joy to many drunken (I presume sober as well) nights.
Websters Dictionary defines board games as…well if you want the Websters Dictionary definition it’s not here. Instead, we’ve compiled a whole host of phrases you may have heard, but may not have been sure what they meant and instead nodded in agreement.
Magic the Gathering is the inarguable go-to for many people who want to play a competitive, collectable card game. With several new sets hitting this year alone, it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed by choice – and with competitive decks costing hundreds to thousands of pounds, by cost, too.
Want to gather your party and venture forth into the world of online Dungeons and Dragons?
Sliding in as Their DMs: Why being the Dungeon Master is the most fun, rewarding, and ultimately awesome role at the table.
Dungeons & Dragons, the ubiquitous game. Played by legends, spoken about by all. A game so well known, that it’s part of society itself.
“Drinking Games”
So you’ve seen the Cyberpunk 2077 trailers and you’re itching to get playing. It’s based on a classic table top RPG so just what separates Cyberpunk from classic DnD